
what to expect from a class at yellow yoga?

A yoga session starts with an opening meditation and breathing exercise. During the meditation you bring your attention to the present to notice and observe your body and mind. The breathing exercise, called pranayama, creates and improves awareness of your inhales and exhales.

After pranayama we practice the asanas, the yoga poses. We make yoga accessible for all levels, from the first time doing yoga to experienced yogi’s.

The final pose is savasana. This relaxes the whole body which allows you to process the effects of the various previous poses. The mind calms down in a focused manner. Afterwards there is time for some tea and to talk to the teacher and fellow yogi’s.

New to yoga?

Are you new to yoga and curious to give it a try? You are very welcome to join the classes! Down below are the most frequent asked questions. If you have any other questions, just click here and write us!

♢ I am not flexible, can I still join?

Yes you can! It is not a requirement to be flexible to practice yoga (But it can be a side effect of doing yoga ;) ). Most classes are all-level so even if this is your very first time, you can join!

Yoga is not about how far you can bend, fold or jump into a pose. Rather focus on finding your limits and boundaries of the body and respect these. In the studio there are a variety of props like blocks and blankets to support you in the poses safely if needed.

♢ What should I bring to class?

We offer different type of classes, indoors as well as outdoors. For all classes wear comfortable clothes that are easy to move in, such as sportswear. Also bring some socks and a sweater for savasana. To see what else you can bring to class, click on the class type.

IMPORTANT COVID-19 Regulations
We value your health and ours highly and therefore we ask you to be mindful and follow all safety measures and COVID-19 regulations. Please keep a distance of 1,5 meter between you and others at all times. Only attend class when you have no symptoms that could be COVID-19 such as a cold, fever, a cough, running nose, sore throat. Also stay at home when anyone you are living with has a fever. Groupsize is limited so make sure that you and your friends all sign up for class.

♢ What level are the classes?

There are all-level yoga sessions. This means that every session is a mixture of all-level poses and some more advanced poses. There is also and advanced class for yogis who have been practicing for a while. Know that yoga isn’t about how far you can bend, fold or jump into a pose. Rather focus on finding your limits and boundaries of the body and respect these.

♢ What type of yoga is given at the studio?

We offer hatha, vinyasa classes and occasionally there is a yin class.

♢ What are the cost of a yoga session?

You can view the prices for a yoga session here.

♢ Does yellow yoga offer a try out class?

Try out classes are not available as we do not offer monthly subscriptions. You can always book a single class without any further attachments.

♢ When are the classes?

Click here to see the schedule and to reserve a spot.

♢ How can I sign up for class?

To sign up for a class you have to create a momoyoga account. Creating a momoyoga account will not cost you anything. After creating an account you can select a class in the schedule to join one of our yoga sessions. To create an account click here

♢ I have/had an injury, medical condition, or I am pregnant (or still breastfeeding), can I join?

If you are pregnant (or if you are still breastfeeding), have an injury (or had one) or another medical condition, please contact us before attending class to see what we can do for you!

♢ Where is the studio?

Address of the studio is

1e Drift Gedempte Zuiderdiep 3,
9711CR, Groningen
Click here to see the map

Who is Elle?

The first time I practiced yoga, I did a breathing- and relaxing exercise and it was a magical experience. Ever since yoga intrigued me, and I started to practice from time to time, embracing the calmness and relaxation that it brought me. This intrigue grew out to a passion and I decided to deepen my practice with a yoga teacher training. I have now founded my own studio where I share my passion for yoga. Hope to meet you soon in person at one of the classes!
